Just about everyone knows it's New York Fashion Week. (That's including my sister who, while cute, only "follows" fashion via Yours Truly.)
With a most fabulous Fashion's Night Out behind us, I thought I'd start the week off with a snippet of what we can aspire to come Spring 2011...
Couldn't help but notice all of the bows that were popping up on some of the runways. Prim and proper, this look can easily tie you up in seductive style when paired with shorts, classic menswear-inspired pieces, or a frilly top.
Jason Wu
Jason Wu
Lyn Devon
Peter Som
I really like each of these looks for different reasons, but love the Jason Wu looks. They're sort of a high-powered-sexy-executive-look, don't you think?
There will be more stylish reviews to come, of course. And for those of you who missed the much-anticipated Fashion's Night Out, don't even fret, we'll do a joint post very soon re-capping it all.
Happy Monday!
I am such a sucker for a bow.... well anything uber feminine really. But the bow is just so superb. I am so glad it is isn't out of fashion just yet. I am not ready to let it go.